
Selasa, 18 Juli 2017

In molecular biology the B-box-type zinc finger domain is a short protein domain of around 40 amino acid residues in length. B-box zinc fingers can be divided into two groups, where types 1 and 2 B-box domains differ in their consensus sequence and in the spacing of the 7-8 zinc-binding residues. Several proteins contain both types 1 and 2 B-boxes, suggesting some level of cooperativity between these two domains.


source : www.researchgate.net

B-box domains are found in over 1500 proteins from a variety of organisms. They are found in TRIM (tripartite motif) proteins that consist of an N-terminal RING finger (originally called an A-box), followed by 1-2 B-box domains and a coiled-coil domain (also called RBCC for Ring, B-box, Coiled-Coil). TRIM proteins contain a type 2 B-box domain, and may also contain a type 1 B-box. In proteins that do not contain RING or coiled-coil domains, the B-box domain is primarily type 2. Many type 2 B-box proteins are involved in ubiquitinylation. Proteins containing a B-box zinc finger domain include transcription factors, ribonucleoproteins and proto-oncoproteins; for example, MID1, MID2, TRIM9, TNL, TRIM36, TRIM63, TRIFIC, NCL1 and CONSTANS-like proteins.

The microtubule-associated E3 ligase MID1 (EC) contains a type 1 B-box zinc finger domain. MID1 specifically binds Alpha-4, which in turn recruits the catalytic subunit of phosphatase 2A (PP2Ac). This complex is required for targeting of PP2Ac for proteasome-mediated degradation. The MID1 B-box coordinates two zinc ions and adopts a beta/beta/alpha cross-brace structure similar to that of ZZ, PHD, RING and FYVE zinc fingers.


source : www.biochemsoctrans.org

Prokaryotic homologs of the domain are present in several bacterial lineages and methanogenic archaea, and often show fusions to peptidase domains such as the rhomboid-like serine peptidase, and Zn-dependent metallopeptidase. Other versions typically contain transmembrane helices and might also show fusions to domains such as DNAJ, FHA, SH3, WD40 and tetratricopeptide repeats. Together these associations suggest a role for the prokaryotic homologs of the B-box zinc finger domain in proteolytic processing, folding or stability of membrane-associated proteins. The domain architectural syntax is remarkably similar to that seen in prokaryotic homologs of the AN1 zinc finger and LIM domains.


source : jcs.biologists.org

External links

source : journals.plos.org

  • CO-like family, DBB family at PlantTFDB: Plant Transcription Factor Database

See also

source : www.nature.com

  • Zinc finger

This article incorporates text from the public domain Pfam and InterPro IPR000315

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