
Minggu, 16 Juli 2017

The Lake Shore Mine is a gold mine located in Kirkland Lake, Ontario. In July 1912, Harry Oakes staked claims L-2605-6 which were in the lake itself and had reverted for non-performance of work. On September 6, 1912, he registered the transfer of claim L-1557 that Melville McDougall had staked for Oakes previously. On September 23, 1911, Harry Oakes registered the transfer of claim T-16635 from George Minaker and named the property Lake Shore. In production from 1918 to 1965, the mine produced almost 8.5 million ounces of gold and represented over a third of the gold produced in the entire camp.

See alsoEdit

source : slideplayer.com

  • List of mines in Ontario


source : www.miningmagazine.com

External linksEdit

source : investingnews.com

  • Library and Archives Canada Image: Lake Shore Mine Headframe

source : www.lsgold.com

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