This is a list of words used in the English language to represent the noises of particular animals, especially noises used by animals for communication. Words on the list are in the form of verbs, though many can also be used as nouns or interjections, including many onomatopoeias (additional ones here abbreviated "OP").
See also
- Animal communication
- Animal epithet
- Bioacoustics
- Cat organ & piganino
- Cross-linguistic onomatopoeias
- List of animal names
- List of onomatopoeias
- Old McDonald Had a Farm, each verse of the song changes the name of the animal and its respective noise
- Zoomusicology
External links
- List of animal sounds to download, listen and use for free.
- Multilingual list of animal sounds Derek Abbott, University of Adelaide
- Multilingual recording of animal sounds â" dog, rooster & donkey